OptVol Technology Helium Leak Detection System2021-08-10T15:56:53+00:00

Optvol technology

Compact leak detection system

OptVol, is a compact all-in-one leak test system, capable of detecting leaks up to 5.0e-06 mbarL / s.

It’s fast, versatile, cost-effective, and can be used to test a range of products with a simple tool change.

OptVol is 9% faster and with operating cost savings of up to 65% compared to a traditional vacuum chamber leak detection system.

I want a budget

The origin of optvol

In 2020, VES approached global industry leaders to assess the challenges they will face in the next 5 years.

With our entire team at VES, we analyze the results obtained and apply our more than 300 combined years of experience in helium leak detection to design OptVol technology and optimize results for our customers.

How does optvol work?

step 1

The product is placed in a tooling inside the chamber and the operator starts the cycle, the door can be manual or automatic.

step 2

The system performs a preliminary air / vacuum leak test to identify if the product does not have a very large leak.

step 3

The product is pressurized with pure helium inside the leak test chamber.

step 4

In the event of a leak, the helium will leak out of the product and into the test chamber.

step 5

The mass spectrometer will detect helium in the test chamber and quantify the rate of the leak.

step 6

The system monitors the leak rate and if it is higher than the limit, the test ends and the operator must confirm the rejection. If the leak rate is below the limit the test ends and the operator can remove the product.

Why choose optvol?

lower cost

Optvol technology has 35% fewer components than traditional systems, resulting in cheaper service costs.

Cycle time

OptVol reduces cycle time by up to 10%, thanks to volume optimization in the test chamber.


The OptVol design reduces the space used on the leak test floor by 74%.

Cost of Operation

OptVol optimizes spaces and reduces factory and electrical air consumption by up to 91%.

CO2 emission reduction

Compared to traditional leak detection equipment, OptVol emits less CO2 during leak testing.

Helium optimization

OptVol dramatically reduces the helium (up to 45%) required to perform the leak test.


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Optvol technology vs traditional machines

1 x Traditional Helium leak detection System

This particular Helium leak detection system has been in production for several years producing 1 part per chamber every 28.3 secs

3 x Optvol Technology Systems

3 x Optvol Systems were compared to traditional helium leak detection system – 3 systems were required to match the throughput.

Add modules to improve your system

  • Reject hopper for defective product

  • Identification / marking system of good product parts

  • Barcode scanner and traceability

  • Helium Recovery System

  • VESView – Web monitoring of your system

  • Automation of the leak testing process

We work with leading companies

They have already proven our quality and innovation

Do you have a project on the doorstep? Let’s talk

Whether you want to know more about Optvol technology or you already have a specific need in leak detection. Write to us and we will contact you in less than 24 hours.

«As a company, we are committed to providing energy saving solutions to customers. We are proud of our OptVol technology, it is significantly compact so it takes up very little space and has much lower running costs than traditional leak detection machines. «

Luke sansby

Global Sales Director

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frequents questions

¿Para qué tipo de productos es ideal la tecnología OptVol?2021-08-04T19:36:38+00:00
  1. ¿Para que tipo de productos es ideal la tecnología OptVol?
¿La cámara de pruebas se puede hacer mas pequeña o mas grande de acuerdo al tipo de producto?2021-08-04T19:36:03+00:00
  1. ¿La cámara de pruebas se puede hacer mas pequeña o mas grande de acuerdo al tipo de producto?
¿La tecnología OptVol es compatible con el sistema tradicional de recuperación de helio?2021-08-04T19:35:12+00:00
  1. ¿La tecnología OptVol es compatible con el sistema tradicional de recuperación de helio?
¿En cuanto tiempo puede ser implementada la tecnología OptVol?2021-08-04T19:34:45+00:00
  1. ¿En cuanto tiempo puede ser implementada la tecnología OptVol?
¿La tecnología OptVol es compatible con el sistema tradicional de recuperación de helio?2021-08-03T19:03:42+00:00
¿Por qué la tecnología OptVol usa menos helio en comparación con las máquinas tradicionales de detección de fugas?2021-08-03T19:00:43+00:00

La tecnología OptVol requiere de menos helio para realizar las pruebas de fuga debido a que los volúmenes de la tubería son más pequeños y dan una disminución drástica del helio requerido. En algunas aplicaciones hasta un 45% menos comparado con una máquina tradicional de detección de fugas.

¿Qué es la tecnología OptVol?2021-08-03T18:57:56+00:00

La tecnología Optvol es un gran avance tecnológico de VES  en las  máquinas de detección de fugas tradicionales que ayuda a las industrias a mejorar sus procesos de producción al reducir los tiempos de ciclo, los costos de funcionamiento y de mantenimiento.